Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Rat Race

What a long tiring day! I met with the attorney this morning and he explained to me what would happened during the actual deposition. Two hours later we both went over to the other attorney office. We arrive and after 30 minutes of waiting the attorney comes out and tell us that something came up and that we have to reschedule. So here we go again! I have to go through the whole anticipation again!
Then I went to the office for a few hours- got caught up on my e-mails and turned around and left again to pick up Paul since I had the car for the day.
We got home and I started making food for tomorrow. I made deviled eggs, cookies, and a shrimp cocktail platter. I just finished cleaning up from the mess and now I am spent! I need my pillow and a good nights sleep. I am looking forward to Christmas and the day after to do some relaxing.
Not very often do I have 4 days off in a row and have nothing really planned.... I want to do some reading and some cleaning!
I will sign off for now so that I can get to bed for a good nights sleep... GOOD NIGHT MY FRIENDS.... sleep well...


Linda said...

Well, you guys have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! The New Year will bring what it will bring!

Love ya!

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

Merry Christmas... have a great 4 day weekend and try to get some much needed rest.
Love, Lizzie
PS I found this bookstore that sells lots of Lori Wick, Cathy Marie Hake, and others for $5 a book. Next time I go I will have to call you to see if you need any of those books, but that means that you will have to get your books inventoried so you know what you have :-)