Wednesday, March 18, 2009

13 lbs

Okay- my fellow bloggers! I guess I will officially announce to you that as of March 1, 2009 I decided that I was going to work on loosing weight. I am in a wedding in May and I have a dress that fits but it is an uncomfortable fit. My initial goal was to loose 20-30 lbs and then I would feel better!- Well- NOW I think I will go as long as I can- I have been following the Weight Watchers guideline (since it worked well before). I have lost 13 lbs. Can you believe it???? I think what is helping it out is that I am doing some form of exercise- tennis, bike riding, walking. Usually if I cut down on food and watch what I eat I tend to either maintain or loose very little. I have noticed that with exercise it goes so much easier. And- I feel good. I sleep good at night and I feel more energized to do more!
I have a motto which I did not have before- it is "I KNOW I CAN" I used to tell my self "I think I can" but now I wake up in the morning and remind myself that "I KNOW I CAN"
Okay bloggers... I am going to be held accountable to you all! This way I have someone that I report to!


Mike and Elizabeth Williams said...

Kathy~ great job! I'm sitting here reading your blog and eating a bowl of ice cream. Probably not what you want to hear.


Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

Way to go Kathy!! You are doing great... I need to do the same thing... so lets keep each other accountable...I KNOW you can do it!