This past week Paul bought a canoe. He has been saving for a few months to buy one. He found a great deal on Craigs list. So, we woke up early today and loaded the car with water, life vests and the canoe. Lake Mohave is 45 minutes away so we planned on making a day of it.

Here is Paul tying down the canoe to the car. Its 8:00 am and already 90 degrees outside. Ugh~!
Next, we went to New Day Cafe for a good breakfast of eggs, sausage, pancakes and coffee.

We arrive at the lake and it is already packed with many people. I have to say the water looked nice. I got in the canoe with Paul and lasted 2 minutes- We managed to tip the canoe. I felt 3 sensations all at once... 1. scared- I could not feel the bottom so it kind of freaked me out- even though I know how to swim. 2. embarrassed- we had so many people watching us. 3. sick- I managed to swallow lots of water which gave me a sick feeling. Two nice guys swam over and helped us get the canoe back the right way. I quickly gave up. I told Paul to go ahead and take the canoe out without me that I would sit and watch.

Paul took it out for about 30 minutes- then he came back to shore since he felt guilty leaving me at the shore alone.

It was an interesting adventure. Wanting a whole day adventure turned out to be only a few hour adventure.
I am home now... and glad to be home. Paul is taking a nap... I think I will join him.
Don't give up on it...try again. Of course, I don't care if I ever get in a canoe! I hope you took a good book!
That is great that you got a canoe. I would love to go out with you in it the next time we are in the States. I well remember the two day trip John and I took with the Westgate men in alligator territory. Dad
Kathy - you are so brave... I don't think I could ever get into a canoe... so are you guys going out again soon?
We bought a canoe last summer, but only went out once. Definitely need to try more often, I think lifejackets might be a good idea!
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