Yesterday was a great day. Work was the same as always- no real change there- I did have a wonderful evening. Lana- a friend of mine (who I met through work she is a representative to one of the companies that we write insurance with). We became friends when she lost her mother to cancer. She was looking for someone/something to make her feel better. Well- I know what she needs is GOD which is why I think God sent her to me to become friends. We have on occasion met for dinner to spend time together. I invited her to join book club. I mostly listen to her- since that is what she needs right now. Yesterday she calls me to see if I wanted to have dinner with her. At first I felt like it was last minute notice and that really I needed to be home- but I kept feeling like I needed to be there fro her so I called Paul to see if it was okay to go to dinner with Lana (he quickly agreed since he had homework to do anyways). We met right after work at 5:15 pm right down the street from my work at Sammy's Woodfire Pizza. Since it was happy hour they had all of their tapas at 1/2 off. The evening started off really nice just a little chit chat about nothing of real importance- then out of the clear blue she asked me if I was a religious person- This question is one I get often- and I respond by saying- it is not a religion to me it is a relationship- which to me is far more personal than just being religious. I explained to her that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God opened the door for me to share my faith with Lana and it was exciting. She asked lots of questions- I answered them to the best of my knowledge. She was VERY receptive to listen to what I had to say. A comment she made " you always seem to happy and at peace- like no matter what happens you take it well- things seem to go well for you" made me laugh- I guess I never perceived myself as always happy and always taking things well- This made me realize HOW MUCH PEOPLE ARE WATCHING ME. It was a sobering thought- How many times have I not been the best example for CHRIST. So- in the end- Lana is asking MANY questions, which is an encouragement to me since I know a door has been opened and the Holy Spirit will work in her.
We spent 3 hours at the restaurant- and she wants to continue talking- which I told her ANYTIME she wants I am available. This Christmas is going to be hard for her since it is her first Christmas without her mother- but maybe she can find Her Saviour by them who can give the COMFORT she longs for.
Please pray with me- 1. That I be aware of all the open doors God gives me to share my faith and 2. For Lana- as I know she understands what I have told her- but now needs to reconcile within herself that God is what she so Desperately NEEDS for eternal salvation.
"shine like a star in the universe as you hold out the word of life"
I am so glad you are where our Lord is using you!
Praise the Lord for the opportunity He provides us to share with neighbors, family, co-workers and complete strangers. Please keep us posted on Lana.
How exciting! I pray those opportunities will come to all of us.
This is so wonderful to hear! You gave her the right answers that's for sure! I don't like that term religious, because like you told her, it is a relationship with Jesus that counts!
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