Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Better Late than NEVER

Happy New Year! I have had a hard time putting all my thoughts down for anyone to understand. 2009 was a HARD year. I am Thankful that 2009 is over and I welcome 2010 with open arms. I am a bit frightened to see what the Lord has in store for us. I rest on the Promises that God gives me daily.
Where do I start-
Last Wednesday I got on a plane to Charlotte, North Carolina. It was a hard decision to make since Paul would not be making the trip with me. He had to work practically the whole New Years weekend. This was the first New Years that we have not spent together. Paul was very good to me and told me to go. Deep down inside I needed to see my family. Probably more for moral encouragement than anything else, you see, that morning I had to do another hard thing at work. I was told that I had to let go of 2 more people- Yes you heard me right- 2 more people!!!!!. That leaves just Ana and myself. I thought I was overworked before when I had the 2 other people.... NOW I am not sure I have a word for how things are. So, I needed to make the trip for a mental break as well. Of course, I did not tell them I was coming and that was the most exciting part of all. Philip and Rosalyn knew ( I needed someone to pick me up at the airport). They picked me up and they took me to Wal-mart to surprise Dad. He was surprised to see me.
Then on our drive to surprise Mom, Mike and Lizzie I called mom to see what she was up to. A few minutes later we walked in to the house and surprised them.
It was nice to see them all- We had a wonderful few days.
Now I am back in the swing of things. Work is just as I predicted. However, I pray daily for strength to make it through the day.
I will be posting pictures of my trip in the next few days.
Happy New Year's to all my Blogger Friends.


Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

I was very glad to see you too...

I will try and get those pictures posted on FB today.

Love you and am praying for you!

riTa Koch said...

What a wonderful surprise! Paul had to work most of the time anyway.
The promise still stands, strength sufficient to the day. I'm sure the people you are letting go also understand how much it pains you. Trust God will look after each one and guide you.

Anonymous said...

Dad Goossen and I are glad you could have some time with your family. I know how hard it must be to have to let people go, especially when they are doing their jobs well. We will be praying the Lord will give you extra stamina for the extra work you have.