The other day my sister Elizabeth Williams gave me the Happy 101 Award.
Now it's my turn to follow the rules and share some great blogs with you.
Here are the rules:
Copy the award image into a post.
- List 10 things that make you happy.
- Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day. (not sure if I have that many to post!)
- Put in a link to their blogs.
- Notify the award receivers.
- Recipients should link back to the sender’s blog.
List 10 Things That Make Me Happy:
1. Jesus Christ My Savior- The most important and happy part of my life is the relationship that I have with my Savior. He is my salvation. He is the ONLY STABLE part of my life. When everything around me is in constant turmoil and change- Jesus Christ is the ONLY one that NEVER changes- What a refreshing truth!
2. My husband Paul- For all of those who know my husband- know that my life is full of adventure and fun with Paul. There is NEVER a dull moment in our lives. He makes me laugh all the time- no matter what the situation- I love you honey!
3. My family- I have the best family ever- including my in-laws. I am so happy when I am around them. They are always there for us- in the good and the bad. God has truly blessed me with the best family and I thank God daily for them!
4. My job- I am happy that I have a job. I know that sometimes I complain about work, and I am working on being more positive regarding my job- because NO MATTER WHAT I have a job.
5. My Friends- God has placed several very important friends in my life. Pastor and Gabby have been very good friends to us. I treasure the friendship I have with them. I also am very thankful for Ana- who is a new believer and I have truly enjoyed teaching her about God. (by the way- Ana is coming to live with us on February 6th and we are going to be doing a daily study together!!!)
6. Reading- I love to read. I have been reading lots of Tracie Peterson books lately. She has a way of writing that makes you feel like you are right in the middle of the story.
7. Cooking- I truly enjoy cooking and baking. I have been trying out new recipes and I love to see what the outcome is!
8. Singing- I constantly listen to music. I love to sing and also to listen to good music. Singing brings back memories of when I was young. While we would travel as a family to make the trip go by quickly we would sing as a family. I have lots of good memories of all of singing as a family.
9. A good Bargain- I get so happy when I find a good deal on something. I love seeing how far I can make the dollars stretch!
10. Vacations- I am so happy when I on vacation (but then again who isn't) I especially love vacations with the family. One of my favorite vacations was when we went on a cruise with my entire family and part of Paul's family.
Tag 10 Bloggers Who Brighten Your Day:
1. Zizzie Happenings- This is my sister Elizabeth- I don't think I am supposed to give Lizzie the award she gave me but I wanted to mention that her blog Brightens my day.
2. Comments from the Corner- This is my dad's blog. I enjoy reading my father's blog.
3. Grandma's Page- This is Aunt Linda Goossen's blog. She has really interesting posts!
4. A Home Grown Life- This is Paul's cousing Tesa Goossen. She writes about her life as a homemaker, mother, teacher and wife!
5. It's good to wait quietly- This is my Aunt Sharon Hoyt's blog. She does not blog very often but when she does I truly enjoy getting to know her more!
6. Just a southern girl- This is my Aunt Kim Hoyt's blog. She is currenlty in Argentina as a missionary. Her blogs are amazing. She is a wonderful writer!
7. MeeMaw Moments- This is my Aunt Rita Koch's blog. I enjoy reading her blog and getting to know her more.
8. Bring the Rain- I found this blog through Aunt Linda Goossen. I read her blog daily. She has a very inspiring blog.
9. $5.00 dinners- I found this blog through my sister Lizzie. I love the recipes that she has posted. It is amazing what she can do on a $5.00 budget!
10. Sorry- I have no other blogs that I read. I need to find a way to read more...
Thanks again Lizzie for selecting my blog!
****** On another note- Please be praying for us- Paul was laid off on Friday. We had been expecting it for a few months so it was not a surprise to us. We WILL be okay- we rest on the Knowledge that God will take care of HIS children. We will be looking diligently for the best job. Please Pray with us! ******
I've been praying for you guys... and will continue!
Dad Goossen and I are so happy that you and Paul are confident in the Lord for His provision. He will not fail. We are praying for His direction to just the right job. Lots of love from Mom.
Oh, Kathy- thanks for including me! :)
I've enjoyed getting to know you a bit more through your blog, too.
We will be praying for you two as the Lord leads Paul in a new direction for employment. His strength and provision are perfect.
Keep resting in Him!
Couple of things:
1) How do I make up a blog? I am not that technical with computers.
2) Definitely sorry to hear about Paul. I will pray too. Like you said, the Lord will provide.
3) Check this out. It is only 5 minutes
I never thanked you for the Award!
I am excited for you and Ana. Blessings on your friendship and times together.
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