Monday, August 9, 2010

Thief in the Night

Last night Paul and I watched on YouTube the movie Thief in the Night.

While we were in Argentina this movie was used to evangelize. I have many memories that go along with this movie. Have you ever seen this movie?- If not -you should- It is quite outdated- I think it was filmed in the 70's so the hair and clothing is VERY 70's. It is a good movie though- and a great tool to witness to someone. It made me think carefully last night of how many people I know that need Christ as their personal Savior- and I got a sense of URGENCY- to witness to them.

Please pray with me as I SHARE the GOOD news with my unsaved friends- and pray that their hearts be open to JESUS.


Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

I remember that was the movie that convicted me of being a sinner and needing the Lord...and then through your guidance I accepted Jesus into my heart.

I would love to know where on You Tube it is... if you can send me the link I would really appreciate it.

Lhoyt said...

Though the theology is not quite right (since it suggests that there is a second chance for those who are left behind) I consider this to be one of the great evangelism tools we had available to us.
I, too, have been convicted of the need to guide others to Christ. But I have become somewhat of an island, with very little chance to witness. Pray for 'divine appointments' that will be ready to hear the gospel. I need some Vitamin E (Evangelism) to perk up my spiritual life.